Gain control of your mind and boldly achieve without working double-time!
Your mind is constantly sabotaging your potential, but it doesn't have to be this way. You can gain control of your negative emotions and move into sage. This is when you can boldly achieve your goals.
Learn from the author of Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine, how to gain control of your mind.
Without his program, I would still be stuck trying to overcome my obstacles. Now I am a coach for the Positive Intelligence Program, helping others gain control.
Discover the 9 Ways We SabotagePositive Intelligence is FEATURED IN:

The Positive Intelligence Group Coaching Program

Imagine yourself able to remain calm , clear-headed, strees-free, and positive even in the midst of handling work and life's greatest challenges.
Are you stressed, feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or always judging yourself or others? Or maybe you are working all the time or trying to control life and others.
It's time to gain control of your mind and truly step into your ability to boldly achieve.
In the Positive Intelligence 6-Week Program, you will build a foundation of mental fitness to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self).
The Positive Intelligence Program Facilitated by
Coach Sara Mayer Includes

15 Minute Daily Practice
15 minutes/day of app-guided practice enables you to establish mental muscles (neural pathways). These bite-sized exercises fit into your busy schedule and are customized based on how you self-sabotage.

Weekly Focus
A weekly hour-long lesson video exploring the weekly focus. Set your week up positively with inspiration and focus.

Community Support
A support and accountability group with other participants with weekly check-ins for the 6-week program.
Who runs the program?
How much time is required?
Is this the right program for me?
Should we participate as a team?
It's time to take control of your mind & boldly achieve your goals.
Imagine yourself able to remain calm, clear headed, stress-free, and positive even in the midst of handling work and life’s greatest challenges. What becomes possible for you, in achievement, in peace of mind and wellness, and in your relationships?
Make a commitment now to boost your mental fitness.
The program value is over $900!
Click the photo to sign up today!
9 Ways We Self Sabotage ~ Discover your Saboteurs Quiz
Take the quiz today to discover how your saboteurs are generating negative emotions and sabotaging your performance, well-being and relationships.