EP 225 Are you building a business you love or dread?

The Bold Goal Crusher Podcast: Reflecting on your business and setting goals


The podcast, hosted by Sara Mayer, guides potential and current business owners on a journey to achieve their business goals without having to work double time. This episode encourages listeners to critically examine their businesses and determine if they are fulfilling the initial idea behind the decision to start a business. If a business owner finds out they have strayed away from their original intent for the business, they need not despair but critically examine the business and start taking baby steps each week to get closer to the original goals. Sara encourages business owners to adopt a weekly reflection habit where they assess various aspects of their businesses, as well as their personal development. The host wraps up the episode encouraging listeners to not just reflect but also make adjustments and download the guide provided on the website for weekly reflections.


Download the guide here: www.saramayer.com/BusinessOwnerWeeklyReflection


00:05 Introduction to the Bold Goal Crusher Podcast

00:34 The Journey to Becoming a Business Owner

01:38 The Importance of Building a Business You Love

05:46 The Role of Reflection in Business Growth

08:02 The Power of Weekly Reflections

11:30 How to Use Reflections to Propel Your Business Forward

12:58 Conclusion: Making Your Business Work for You