Ep 223 Digital Detox: Breaking Free from Digital Distractions

In this episode of the 'Bold Goal Crusher Podcast', host Sara Mayer discusses the impact of digital distractions on our goals and well-being. It touches on the challenges and psychological effects of being constantly connected and attached to various devices such as phones and tablets. Mayer further talks about managing the digital overload from social media, email notifications, and apps to enhance productivity and goal achievement. She offers tips on creating tech-free zones, reward systems, and regular digital detoxes while explaining how to manage email effectively. The episode concludes with Mayer urging listeners to reflect upon their relationship with technology and to take conscious steps to control its impact on their lives instead of being controlled by it. 


00:05 Introduction to the Podcast 

00:37 The Need for a Digital Detox 

01:44 Understanding Digital Distractions 

02:53 Impact of Digital Overload on Productivity 

03:52 Managing Notifications and Emails 

06:07 The Role of Social Media and Email in Mental Health 

06:52 Creating Tech-Free Zones and Digital Detoxes 

07:59 Sharing Personal Experiences and Tips 

08:14 Setting Boundaries with Technology 

08:45 Evaluating Screen Time and Goal Reflection 

09:25 Taking Control of Technology 

10:03 Conclusion and Encouragement