Ep 86. Book Series: Atomic Habits with Barbie Holt

Barbie Holt spent 25 years setting the same goals over and over and never achieving them. Everything changed on May 1, 2020, when she ran for one minute. That led to her creating the habit of moving her body every day which she continues 2 1/2 years later. After adding more life changing habits, she began coaching women on how to create habits that stick with her 5-step framework. Atomic Habits was instrumental in her journey. Today we will be discussing the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.  




In this episode we talk about:

[2:20] How Barbie got the idea to run for one minute every day

[5:33] Barbie tells us her synopsis of the book Atomic Habits

[8:00] Key lessons learned in the book

[9:50] The concept of aiming to be 1% better everyday 

[14:30] Make your goals obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying 

[25:25] Are you getting ready to get ready?

[27:50] Where can you be consolidating your time and habits?

[32:05] Habits focus on WHO you’re becoming

[34:10] Moving your body can create a better mind, not just a better body

[34:40] Laws for breaking bad habits

[40:10] What Barbie would ask the author 




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Connect with Barbie: 

Instagram @barbieholt1

Facebook @bwholt



Connect with Sara:

Instagram @saramayerconsulting

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