Exercise - The Endorphins Will Give You An Instant Boost In Confidence boost your confidence goals habits Jun 08, 2024

Do you want a technique that will give you an instant confidence boost? One that will immediately raise your confidence and keep it higher for the rest of the day? One that, if repeated often enough, will raise your baseline confidence permanently? 

I’ve got just the technique for you....

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Stop Negative Thoughts In Their Tracks boost your confidence goals habits May 25, 2024

You’ve certainly heard about your self-talk by now. That’s the non-stop flow of thoughts that goes through your mind. The vast majority of it is about yourself. It can be good or bad, and it can either build up or tear down your self-confidence and self-esteem. 


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Set Yourself Up For Success boost your confidence goals habits May 11, 2024

Nothing boosts your self-confidence quite like success. Succeeding at something gives you a massive confidence lift. The more confident you are before you do something, the more likely you are to succeed in the first place, and going on to succeed at it gives you more confidence, which can create...

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Talk To Yourself - Become Your Own Cheerleader boost your confidence goals habits Apr 27, 2024

Does talking to yourself sound like a weird idea? It’s really not. Talking to yourself is not only a common occurrence but is ubiquitous. Every human being talks to themselves all the time! 

Surprised? It’s true. Most people just don’t notice it. You have a torrent of...

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Speaking Affirmations And Power Poses To Help Build Your Confidence boost your confidence goals habits Apr 13, 2024

Affirmations and power poses are a quick way to boost your confidence temporarily before an important event such as a job interview or a big meeting. You can build your confidence permanently using affirmations as well if you practice them regularly. 


Here’s how to use these...

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Looking Back At How Far Youā€™ve Come boost your confidence goals productivity Mar 30, 2024

A good way to boost your confidence is by looking back at your past successes. No matter how much you’ve done (or feel like you haven’t done) in your life, you’ve accomplished some things and come a good way up life’s path. 

You may doubt this if you’re...

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Boost Your Confidence Through Personal Hygiene And Self-Care boost your confidence goals habits productivity Mar 16, 2024

It can be hard to take care of ourselves when we’re going through a rough patch. When our self-confidence gets low, our self-esteem takes a hit, or we get outright depressed, personal hygiene and self-care are often the first things to go.  

This makes us feel even worse and...

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