These Bad Habits Are Killing Your Self-Discipline goals habits productivity Sep 06, 2022

Self-discipline is about finding the inner strength and confidence to put one foot forward each and every day to achieve your goals. It’s about taking personal responsibility and doing what needs to be done.  

The following are common bad habits killing your self-discipline and...

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Quit These Bad Time Management Habits Now goals habits productivity Aug 30, 2022

Adopting the right time management habits and routines for your business is essential for maximum productivity. Obviously, if you don’t have the time or can’t manage it appropriately, you will always be behind.

Here are five common bad time management habits you must quit now for...

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Stay More Focused with These Five Simple Steps goals habits productivity reflection Aug 09, 2022


Focus shows you have the drive and desire to want to achieve something. It’s about putting all your energy into one thing and getting it down with grit and determination. It ingrains your goals and keeps you on the path of success. However, it’s hard to maintain and easily...

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It’s Not the Deadlines; It’s Your Lack of Discipline goals habits productivity reflection Jul 26, 2022

Deadlines are not the problem, nor are other people and the long list of excuses you have made for yourself. It’s your lack of discipline and willpower. Discipline is about regulating or training your brain to do what is right even if you don’t feel like it or want to.


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Give Your Business A HIIT goals habits productivity Jul 19, 2022


HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, a popular exercise routine that combines bursts of intense exercise with short rest periods. It is designed to maximize your workouts within the shortest amount of time. Believe it or not, this strategy doesn’t need to stay in the...

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If You Don’t Set Hard Deadlines, Plan to Fail goals habits productivity Feb 27, 2022

If you feel like you can never get anything done and constantly run against the clock, you are likely skipping one of the most essential details of any to-do list or 90-day action plan. If you don’t set hard deadlines, then you are setting yourself up to fail from the start.  


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Do This to Be More Consistent in Life and Business goals habits productivity reflection Feb 20, 2022

Consistency is about doing repeatable tasks each day, night, or week depending on the goal you are trying to accomplish. Consistency is a smooth and repeatable process combined with the right actions to achieve your goal more efficiently.

Just think about the last place you ordered food....

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How to Create Repeatable Workflows for Better Time Management goals habits productivity Feb 13, 2022

Setting up the right workflows and process are essential to proper time management and the success of your business. When you create repeatable workflows, you can better improve the quality of your work and stay consistent, saving you more time and energy in the long run. They establish proper...

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Your Lack of Focus Is Getting in Your Way goals habits productivity reflection Feb 06, 2022

Are you constantly struggling to get your work done? You start one project only to find yourself tapping away at another, and then the next two minutes, you find yourself doing it again but on something completely different. Even with a to-do list, you can’t seem to get on track and find...

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Free download to help you overcome overwhelm (and get clarity, every. single. day.) habits Aug 02, 2021

This blog isn’t for all of you.

It’s exclusively for those of you who have a sneaking suspicion that you’re made for something big…

...making a big impact, ticking off big goals, making big financial returns (because why not?), and living a BIG life. 

If that is...

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