Set a Word or Theme for the New Year
Jan 01, 2021As the New Year begins many are looking to set a word or theme for the year. A word or theme symbolizes what the year could be.
Choosing a word is a creative process that begins with getting quiet and reflecting on what could be. Allow yourself to dream about your wildest desires. Check out my year-end reflection worksheet to get you started.
When I choose my word or themes, I find it to be a liberating process.
Over the years I have had many themes and I track them in the front of my journal. Some of my themes have been:
2004- Work hard, play harder
2013 – Year of Transformation
2016 – Fabulous 40
2018 – Back to the passions of my youth
2020 – Be Bold
2021 is yet to be determined, whatever the theme may be, it will be a part of my daily life.
Words can have different meanings and stretch across different areas of your life. The word “explore” can mean exploring new careers, traveling more, or exploring different aspects of oneself. The word “expand” could mean expanding your family or expanding your business or even expanding your knowledge of a topic.
No matter the word it should speak to you and what you hope to accomplish in the new year.
Once you set your theme or word, I suggest you create a visual representation to remind you on a regular basis of what you set out to do for the year.
As each week ends add into your reflection questions about your word. At the end of the year, you can look back and reminisce on your word and most importantly your progress towards its meaning.
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