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Ep 155. It's time to adapt, adopt, or abandon your goals with Guest Ginny Seeley

bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Jun 24, 2023

Ginny Seeley is a lean 6 Sigma black belt, and her focus is on process improvement with strategic goal-setting for new entrepreneurs and fledgling business owners. 

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In this episode, we talk about:


[2:50] Ginny’s favorite books for goal setting

[4:50] Pick one category to declutter at a time

[6:45] Setting 3-5 quarterly goals will help you actually achieve them

[9:25] Ginny’s acronym for successfully taking your goals

[15:00] Create priorities to get clear on everything in your head

[16:25] Don’t be afraid to use apps and other tools to help track your goal progress!

[18:40] Adapt, adopt, or abandon your goals

[22:45] Connect with Ginny



Connect with Ginny:

Instagram @ginny.outcomeacademy 

Facebook @ginny.outcomeacademy



Connect with Sara Mayer:

Instagram @saramayerconsulting

Facebook @saracmayerconsulting

LinkedIn @saramayerconsulting




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