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EP 282 Mastering Year-End Goals and Holiday Planning

bold goal crusher podcast podcast Oct 03, 2024

 Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher Podcast!

Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher podcast for anyone looking to stop letting life get in the way and start crushing bold goals. I'm your host, Sara Mayer, and I'm thrilled to navigate this journey with you because it's time to start boldly achieving without working double time. So let's dive in. 

Managing the Last Quarter with Grace

Hello, Bold Goal Crushers. Welcome back to the Bold Goal Crusher podcast. I'm your host, Sara Mayer, and today we're going to talk about managing one of the most exciting, magical, and challenging times of the year—the last quarter. It's a time when we need to wrap up all our year-end goals. Many people naturally aim to close out the year strong while also preparing for the holidays and gearing up for a new year. 

So whether you're a business owner, an entrepreneur, or someone just trying to stay on top of your goals, this is for you. We'll discuss effective ways to maintain and plan so you can keep momentum in your business and enjoy the holiday season without feeling overwhelmed. 

Reflecting on Quarter Four Goals

The last quarter can indeed feel overwhelming, especially as we approach the holiday season. But before you get into the hustle and bustle, it's essential to take a step back and review your Q4 goals. What did you set out to achieve this year? How much progress have you made? And where do you stand on those goals? 

Here’s a simple three-step approach to reviewing your goals: 

  1. Assess Your Progress: Look at the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Are you on track to meet them? If not, calm down. Don’t stress. Just evaluate where you are. 
  2. Prioritize What's Left: There's only so much time in each month, especially in Q4 when you add holiday pressures. Focus on high-impact objectives—those that will give you the best return and move you closer to your goals. 
  3. Adjust if Necessary: Sometimes goals may no longer feel relevant or achievable; it's okay to adjust your plans. Remember, the goal is to finish the year strong, not burnout. This could also be a season of rest and refocus. 

Getting Strategic with Your Time

Once you've reviewed your goals, get strategic and realistic about your time. The holiday season can take up a lot of time with events, shopping, and family obligations. Here are a few tips to manage this: 

  • Block Off Time for Critical Tasks: Look at your calendar and block off time for your most critical tasks, whether it’s a marketing campaign, client work, or year-end accounting. Schedule these crucial tasks first. 
  • Plan for Your Holiday Time: Be realistic. Block off days for shopping, attending events, or simply relaxing. By scheduling downtime, you’ll prevent feelings of guilt or overwhelm later. 
  • Batch Tasks by Type: If you're managing several projects, batch tasks by type. For example, set one day for content creation, another for administrative work, and another for meetings. This reduces task switching and helps maintain focus. 

Maximizing Holiday Promotions for Your Business

For entrepreneurs and business owners, Q4 is prime time for sales and promotions. During the holidays, people are in buying mode—whether it’s for gifts, services, or looking for good deals. 

Here are a few tips for managing your holiday promotions: 

  1. Plan Your Sales Early: Decide early what promotions or discounts you want to offer such as a Black Friday event, Cyber Monday offer, last-minute holiday deal, or a New Year’s party. 
  2. Automate When Possible: Use technology to your advantage by scheduling emails, social media posts, and ads in advance. 
  3. Create Holiday Gift Guides or Bundles: Bundling products or services into special holiday packages can provide value to your clients and customers. 
  4. Show Appreciation: Add a thank-you note or small bonus for loyal customers. 

Laying the Groundwork for the New Year

The holiday season doesn’t just mark the end of the year; it's also time to start thinking about what's coming in the next year. While it might be tempting to leave planning for January, it’s smarter to start laying the groundwork now. 

Here’s how you can get ahead: 

  • Year-End Reflection: Use a year-end reflection worksheet to evaluate the past year and think about long-term goals. 
  • Set Some Goals Early: Start mapping out the big picture and planning for longer-term goals that you may begin next year. 

Enjoy the Magic of the Season

It's essential to plan not only your work but also how you want to enjoy the holiday season. Reflect on what's important and how you want to spend your time. So set some downtime to craft the magic of your holiday season.  

Resource for the Season

If you’re looking for tips, I have a free guide on my website. Visit to access a comprehensive guide to holiday offers for small business owners and a yearly reflection worksheet. Decide how you want your holiday season to be and set the stage for a successful new year. 


If you loved this episode, don't forget to smash that subscribe button. If you're listening on your favorite podcast platform, please share it or join us on YouTube to see me in real life. Now, bold goal crushers, it’s time to crush your goals and everything that gets in the way because you don’t have to work double time. So, let’s get to it! 


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