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EP 265 Revisiting Your Vision Board: Updating Your Goals and Dreams

bold goal crusher podcast podcast Jul 08, 2024

Hello, bold goal crushers! 

Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher blog, where we explore the dynamic journey of achieving goals and living boldly. I'm Sara Mayer, your host, and today we’re diving deep into the essential practice of revisiting your vision board and updating your goals and dreams. Let's get started! 

The Purpose of a Vision Board 

A vision board is more than just a collage of pictures; it's a powerful visual representation of your goals and dreams. It helps you focus on what you want to achieve and keeps your aspirations at the forefront of your mind. Mine, for example, is always within my line of sight. If you’re watching us on YouTube, you might have seen me point it out a few times! 

However, just like artwork on our walls, vision boards can blend into the background and lose their impact. That’s why it’s crucial to revisit and update them regularly to ensure they still align with our evolving desires and circumstances. 

How Often Should You Revisit Your Vision Board? 

You might be wondering how often you should look at your vision board. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, I recommend reviewing it at least once a month. Personally, I prefer to review mine weekly. This practice allows you to reflect on your progress, make adjustments, and set new goals as needed. 

Steps to Revise Your Vision Board 

  1. Set Aside Uninterrupted Time:

   Dedicate some quiet time to revisit your vision board. This could be an enjoyable and inspirational exercise that fuels your motivation. 

  1. Reflect on Your Progress:

   Look at your vision board and reflect on the goals and dreams you’ve achieved so far. Celebrate your accomplishments and appreciate how far you’ve come. 

  1. Identify What's No Longer Relevant:

   As you reflect, you’ll find that some goals or dreams may no longer align with your current aspirations. It’s okay to let these go and make room for new ones. 

  1. Add New Goals and Dreams:

   Think about your current goals and dreams. What new aspirations have emerged? Add new images, quotes, and words that represent these updated goals. 

  1. Reorganize and Refresh:

   Give your vision board a fresh layout. Rearrange the elements or add new images to make it feel dynamic and inspiring. Sometimes a new color or background can breathe new life into it. 

My Personal Experience  

At the start of a new year, I always create a vision board focusing on my aspirations. A couple of years back, I included images of a successful business and quotes that inspired me. However, as time passed, my priorities shifted towards a more balanced work-life approach, and my original vision board no longer resonated with my new direction. 

I knew it was time to update it. Setting aside a weekend to refresh my vision board, I not only reignited my motivation but also stayed focused on my new priorities. Celebrating career achievements while staying motivated is now a consistent practice for me. 

From Vision to Action 

Remember, having a vision board isn’t enough. You need to translate that vision into actionable steps. Use planners or task management tools like Asana to schedule activities that will help you achieve your goals. 

Use Positive Language 

Focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want. Positive affirmations can reinforce your goals and boost your confidence. Some affirmations you might consider are: 

- "I am capable of achieving my dreams." 

- "I am worthy of success." 

- "I know I can do this." 

Engage Regularly 

Move your vision board around, so it doesn’t blend into the background. Engage with it regularly. Every week, ask yourself how you’re moving forward with your goals and what steps you need to take. 


Revisiting and updating your vision board is a powerful practice. It keeps your goals and dreams aligned with your evolving aspirations. Take the time to reflect, identify what's no longer relevant, add new goals, and create a vision board that truly inspires you.  

Thank you for joining me today on the Bold Goal Crusher blog. If you found this post helpful, please share it with someone who could benefit from it and don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel for more insights on crushing your goals and overcoming obstacles.  

Remember, you’ve got this. Until next time, let's crush those goals and everything that gets in the way.  

Let's get to it! 




Sara Mayer 



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