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EP 260 Mid-Year Goal Review: Assessing Your Progress

bold goal crusher podcast podcast Jun 20, 2024

Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher Blog

For anyone looking to stop letting life get in the way and start crushing bold goals, this is your go-to place. I’m Sara Mayer, your host and guide on this journey of achieving without working double time. Today, we dive into a critical topic as we hit the midpoint of the year. We'll discuss the importance of reflecting on the first half of the year, powerful techniques for evaluating your progress and adjusting your goals to ensure you finish the year feeling successful and strong. 

The Importance of Reflection

Many bold goals can’t be accomplished in just one year; they may take many years. The key is to ensure you’re making progress each year and each month. Reflection is a powerful tool that allows us to look back, evaluate our accomplishments, and acknowledge the challenges we face. Without reflection, we miss valuable lessons from our experiences and fail to make necessary adjustments to avoid repeating the same mistakes. 

Celebrate Your Achievements

When we reflect, we should celebrate our achievements, no matter how small they seem. These celebrations fuel motivation and remind us of our capabilities. Reflecting on challenges and setbacks helps identify areas for improvement and growth. Remember, it’s not about dwelling on mistakes but learning from them to make better decisions moving forward. 

Introducing the Reflection Notebook

Before we dive deeper, let me introduce you to a helpful tool – my reflection notebook called "Driven to Succeed: A Goal-Oriented Journal for High Achievers." It has prompts to guide your reflections, helping you journal about your goals effectively. It’s available in my Amazon store, which you can find under the "My Favorite Things" section on my website, 

Effective Reflection Techniques

Here are some techniques to reflect on the first half of the year without turning it into a self-criticism session: 

  1. Review Your Goals: Examine the goals you set at the beginning of the year (or for multiple years if you're like me). Identify which goals you’ve achieved, which are still in progress, and which have stalled or not started. Be honest with yourself; this is about assessment, not self-judgment. 
  2. Celebrate Your Wins: Take a moment to celebrate the goals you’ve achieved or the progress you’ve made. Write them down, share them with a friend, or treat yourself to something special. Recognizing your progress, no matter how small, helps fuel your motivation. 
  3. Analyze Your Challenges: Look at the goals you haven’t achieved or haven’t started. Identify the setbacks. Is it a lack of resources, time, motivation, or support from others? Understanding the root cause of these challenges helps develop strategies to overcome them in the future. 
  4. Gather Feedback: Sometimes, an outside perspective is invaluable. Talk to a mentor, coach, consultant, or a trusted friend who supports your goals. They can offer insights and advice that you might not have considered. 
  5. Adjust Your Goals: Based on your reflection, it may be necessary to adjust your goals. This doesn’t mean you failed; it means you’re being realistic and adaptable. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps if needed, or set new goals that align better with your current situation. 

Final Thoughts on Mid-Year Reflection

Reflecting on your progress and adjusting your goals is about growth, learning, and flexibility. As we move into the second half of the year, these reflections can propel you forward with renewed focus and determination.  

Thank You for Joining!

Thank you for joining me on the Bold Goal Crusher blog. If you found this post helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit from it. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insights on crushing your goals and living boldly. Until next time, keep reflecting, adjusting, and crushing those goals because you do not need to work double time. Let's get to it! 



Feel free to make any adjustments or let me know if you would like to add anything else! 



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