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EP 250 Taking Control of Your Year with guest Heather Black

bold goal crusher podcast podcast May 16, 2024

In a world where balancing a successful career and family life can often feel like an impossible feat, there are individuals like Heather Black who are on a mission to empower women to take control of their careers and achieve their bold goals. Heather Black is the CEO and founder of Supermums, a platform designed to help mothers upscale and launch flexible, well-paid careers in the tech sector. 

Nurturing Success Through Flexibility 

Supermums is not just a career training program; it is a movement that celebrates the power of flexibility and work-life balance. Heather Black's own journey of pivoting from a traditional career coaching business to becoming a Salesforce consultant inspired her to create Supermums. She realized the importance of leveraging technology to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and ultimately, enhance individuals' work-life balance. 

Impacting Lives, One Supermum at a Time 

Through Supermums, Heather Black has impacted over a thousand lives, helping individuals transition into well-paid, flexible careers within the Salesforce ecosystem. The program equips participants with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in various job roles in the tech industry. From Salesforce consultants to CRM specialists, Supermums opens up a world of opportunities for individuals looking to make a career shift. 

Lessons Learned and Shared 

Heather Black's own journey of self-discovery and career transformation serves as a beacon of hope for women seeking to redefine their professional paths. Through Supermums, she not only provides training and education but also fosters a supportive community where individuals can share experiences, celebrate successes, and navigate challenges together. 

Balancing Boundaries and Boundless Opportunities 

One of the key takeaways from Heather Black's story is the importance of managing boundaries and setting priorities. Balancing work, family, and personal well-being requires a conscious effort to establish boundaries, communicate needs, and prioritize self-care. Heather's advice on managing boundaries and finding a supportive community resonates with individuals seeking a more fulfilling and balanced life. 

Join the Supermums Movement 

If you are a parent looking to transition into a flexible and well-paid career in the tech industry, Supermums could be the program for you. With a virtual training platform, personalized career consultations, and a supportive community, Supermums offers a holistic approach to career development and empowerment. 

In conclusion, Heather Black's journey with Supermums exemplifies the transformative power of education, community, and empowerment. By equipping individuals with the skills and resources needed to succeed in the tech industry, Supermums is paving the way for a new generation of empowered and successful women. Join the Supermums movement today and take control of your career path! 


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