Design your New Year
Jan 01, 2021Ever set a New Year’s Resolution….
had a great start….
then in a couple of weeks…boom, like clockwork,
life got in the way?
Yep. Me too! I always have the best of intentions then stuff happens.
That is when guilt sets in…
What is wrong with me, why can’t I just do this? Every year, the same story.
YOU too? STOP right there. It is not YOU!
New Year’s Resolutions do not work! Only 8% of people that set them achieve them.
But goals like resolutions can work. When there is a process around setting and achieving them!
2020 was a beast, like the worst. I cannot wait till 2021, like most people across the globe. There is not this magical switch that will flip on and make everything better.
In 2020 I achieved ALL my goals PLUS more. Yep, that is right! They may look a little different than I imagined, but I accomplished those goals and plans I set forth in 2020. And it FEELS SOOOO good!
How did it do it? I have a year-end system to discover my true desires, and you can too!
Where should one begin, the first step is getting quiet and doing the reflection. Remove all the “should have” and “must-have” language and really think about what you want. What do you truly desire, what are your bold goals, and most importantly what brings you joy?
When we reflect from a place of positivity, we end up with goals that are tremendously important.
Begin your year-end discovery process by downloading my year-end reflection worksheet. Find a quiet corner and sit with your thoughts for a minute before you move on to setting goals.
You will be surprised at what you can discover.
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